Max-Flex Fence logo
electric cattle fence
safe horse fence with coated high tensile wire
electric net fence with sheep netting
Fence For Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Deer, Goats, Predators, Swine, and Gardens
Electric fence chargers
  Line Operated, 110v
Fence Energizers
  Solar & Battery Powered Fence Chargers
Brief descriptions about farm and ranch fences
  High Tensile
Smooth Wire Fence
  Deer & Wildlife Fence
  Horse Fence
  Horse Fence
Super Rope & Tape
  Horse Trail Ride Kit
Electric Netting
  Tape & Strand
Portable Fencing
  High Tensile Woven
Wire Field Fence
Products available only from MAX-FLEX Fence
  Superlife™ High Tensile Fencing Wire
  Supercote™ Wire
Safe Horse Fence
  Superlife™ Barbed
Fence Staples
  Fence Springs
  The Best Insulators

FAST FENCE™ Tape, Strand & Accessories

"The name says it all"


FAST FENCE™ Makes Controlled Grazing Simple
Strip graze temporary feeds in winter and dry seasons to ration crops, or double stocking rates by cross fencing into a minimum of 8 paddocks and rotational grazing. To download Controlled Grazing Part 1 and Part 2 pdf files, go to Request Literature.



F454, F462, & F464 HD Hot Tape, 1320 feet or 660 feet of 1/2" polytape with four heavy duty stainless steel wires (conducts better than five or six standard wires). Available in orange and white.


F415 & F435 HD Hot Strand, 1650 feet of polywire with four heavy duty stainless steel wires (conducts better than five or six standard wires). Available in orange and white.

F440 Green HD Hot Strand, 660 feet of green polywire (popular for protecting landscaping while blending into the surroundings).



Fast Fence Hot Tape spool

Hot Strand and Hot Tape in white, orange, and green colors

For more information go to
Tape & Strand Systems


F120 Standard Reel, for use with strand and tape. Handles operate like a ratchet to tension fence. The Standard Reel will hold 2400' of strand or 840' of tape.


F570 Fast Fence Spring, a small version of the high tensile fence spring that is used to help keep wires tight. Made from Superlife wire and is stronger than other small fence springs (packaged in bags of 10).

standard reel for tape or strand

Fast Fence spring for portable fences

  F580 Fast Fence Tightener, a plastic "twist-on" tensioner for strand, tape, and rope or any lightweight electric fence wire (packaged in bags of 10).  
Fast Fence tightener for use with strand or tape

F540 Quick Step,
step & wedge sleeve make a low cost strong tread-in post from any 3/8" rod post (packaged in bags of 25).

adjustable height quick step

F560 Fast Fence Buckle,
galvanized steel wire buckle for splicing 1/2" tape (more conductive than splicing with a knot). Serves as a tightener to take up slack in lines of tape.

Fast Fence Warning Sign, vinyl warning signs for electric fence, come with nylon clips (packaged in bags of 10).


buckle for splicing Hot tape

vinyl warning sign for portable electric fence

F596 Portable Lead Sets
, for making connections to Fast Fence Nets, strand, and tape, and to Ground Rods with all MAXIM Energizers, except the B 6.

lead sets for connecting to ground rod
ground rod for portable fence charger

D305 Portable Ground Rod, 40" x 1/2" zinc plated steel rod, made to fit the ground rod mounting receptacle on the B15 but can also be used with any portable energizer.


H500 Batten & Tape Clips
, for fastening Hot Tape or Horse Tape to fiberglass posts. Fits two inch hole spacing (packaged in bags of 50).

For undrilled M200 and M060 posts, use WOR insulators.

Tape and batten clip on fiberglass post


N101 Black WOR
, "nail on" wood or "push on" fiberglass rod post insulator. Attach to wood with staples or nails (packaged in bags of 50).


wood post insulator, black

black WOR insulator on rod post
N199 SRI
, split ring insulator that screws into wood posts. These are handy for corner insulators with strand, half inch tape, and Super Rope (packaged in bags of 25).

split ring wood post insulator

U.S. Route 219
Lindside, WV 24951
contact MAX-FLEX Fence by email
© West Virginia Fence Corp., All Rights Reserved
Phone (304) 753-4387